Dota 2 faceless void hardest carry
Dota 2 faceless void hardest carry


My advice is: Buy mekansm, and then not just you can heal yourself but it will gives your teams lots of survivability. If the enemy can't kill you because you are so tanky, the enemy will be frustrated so you can easily dominate them with your massive poison attack. You need golds because you are the carry of your team that must carry your team to victory. So we already know Void isn't the best DPS hero out there, and the only reason he's a good carry is because of Chronoshpere. letting you have a Chronoshpere every sixty seconds. Kill as many enemy as possible to earn lots of golds. The COOLDOWN, however, is unbearably long having been increased in the last two patches. He can’t run because of slow movement speed from your poison, and can’t fight because the Hp is already maybe in 60-70%, so he will be likelly to death. Use your ultimate first, and then, harass your enemy using your poison. On mid game, you should already have your ultimate. You are one of the best harasser, remember that! If enemy comes near to last hit, harass again using Poison Attack, this way you will make your enemy can’t farm on early game. Given a little time, he becomes a terrifyingly powerful hero capable of destroying entire enemy teams. You will be easy for farming because you have Nethertoxin that makes you easier to get last hits, this skill will increase damage to creeps in low HP to makes you get more last hits. Darkterror the Faceless Void is a melee agility hard carry hero. On early game, harass your oponent using Poison Attack.They will feel so much pain and forced to retreat and can’t last hits properly. Should we prefer Poison Attack or Nethertoxin? You can increase those skills simultaneously so you get the same max benefits from them. Maxing Corrosive will grant you a metal body


Why maxed Corrosive Skin first? Your goal here is to stay strong for whatever attempt your enemy have to kill you. At that moment icefrog called me and said that no he is not going to nerf terrorblade because pros haven't called me OP yet.Infact he may decrease sunder cooldown to zero and make its cast range global and remove mana cost if any pro calls him underpowered or he isn't picked a lot in tournaments. Why take Corrosive Skin for level 1? Stay safe from firstblood by using this skill to protect yourself.

dota 2 faceless void hardest carry

And this skill also help you get kills from killing heroes.


Why maxed Nethertoxin before Corrosive Skin ? You need this skill for your last hits. With this skill you can harass opponent easily and make them uncomfortable in lane. Why maxed Poison Attack first? This is your main harassing skill for early game, you need this skill to harass enemy. Why take Poison Attack for level 1? If you want to steal firstblood, the this is your skill. First is to strengthen the king safety so you can attack freely.

dota 2 faceless void hardest carry

By using this build at least you should be safe from get killed on early game. This build is focusing on Strong self-defense that means to be safe from any enemy's attempt to kill you. On mid game you should hunt for kills around the map because you built for kills. This build tend to attack enemy since the game starts. The idea is to pressure your enemy so you gain a lot of space to farm. You will constantly using your poison attack to harass your enemy in lane. This build focus on early game domination.

Dota 2 faceless void hardest carry